Legend ’70 News by MeX 

– The E.Piano module now features a new parameter called “Natural Detuning” thanks to which it is possible to enrich the sound with a random detuning effect of the notes that gives naturalness when playing the instrument – Revisitation of the JP-Concert and American Grand sounds. For both sounds the dynamic range has been optimized so that the performance does not present unnatural tonal changes. In particular, the registers of ff, fff are more manageable and broad, while ppp and pp are more homogeneous Questo video è dedicato ad una collaborazione che ho avuto con Viscount per cercare di migliorare alcuni aspetti di questo splendido strumento. In particolare pianoforti e piani elettrici. Buon divertimento e fatemi sapere… This video is dedicated to a collaboration I had with Viscount to try to improve some aspects of this splendid instrument. In particular pianos and electric pianos. Have fun and let me know …

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